From the very first meeting in June, the newly formed Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had a hectic seven weeks preparing for the initial public consultation; the Drop-In Day on Thursday 28th July 2022. It was a daunting task, but proved successful as Corfe Mullen residents came to the Village Hall in a steady stream to discover what it was all about.
The idea behind Neighbourhood Planning is that decision making should be made at a local level. A Parish or Town Council can produce its own plan, putting in place a strategy and policies for future development.
When local communities are empowered to lead and influence decision making, it can make a real difference to their area. People with passion and enthusiasm can use neighbourhood planning to change their neighbourhoods for the better.
The Steering Group’s first task was to start a discussion with the community to find out what local people want for the future of the Parish; what kind of neighbourhood they want to live in; where should new housing be sited; what should it look like; who should it be designed for? Which amenities and services should be protected and developed and, most importantly, how do we protect our areas of green space to provide good recreational experiences for the Parish?
The process was started in two ways:
- By holding the Drop-In Day
- Asking you, the residents, to complete a questionnaire, either online or in paper form.
A publicity flier was sent to every household within the Parish boundary of Corfe Mullen. The response was instant and gratifying.
The Steering Group are currently in the process of sorting through, and mulling over, the final results of the questionnaire. Already many clear ideas of how residents want Corfe Mullen to develop have become evident, such as the type of housing needed and concerns over the impact of housing development on services and infrastructure. The Drop-In Day gave residents the opportunity to chat frankly about these issues. Display boards were full of ideas and comments on Post-It Notes, all of which have been collected and recorded, to help in the coming stages of discussions with residents, towards ultimately drafting the Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan.
To our delight, we also welcomed new members, people with skills, experience and enthusiasm, to the Steering Committee.
Updates as the Neighbourhood Plan progresses will be posted here, plus the Steering Group we be arranging more opportunities to meet and talk with Corfe Mullen residents. If you would like to take an active role, in working parties; a leader of a local group; or as an interested neighbour, please contact the Steering Group here. You will be most welcome.
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