Jane Wilson – Chair
Marie Dando, Lee Hardy, Gail Pape, Cllr Peter Neil, Heather Birchenough, Cllr David Mattocks
Cllr Duncan Sowry-House
Welcome to Pam and Ian Battrick joining the Steering Group (both were given copies of the Terms of Reference and the Code of Conduct)
1. Launch Event/Drop-in Day Debrief
A very positive day with a good turn-out. 169 residents from most areas, other than 23 residents, were all over age 50. Lee has produced a heat map showing the residential areas covered. There were 5 additional volunteers for the Steering Group who will be attending future meetings.
Matters arising from the day were:
* Ensure that comments received which are beyond the scope of the plan are passed on.
* Lanyards/name badges for Steering Group members at future events.
* More banners and posters to advertise events.
* Larger font size on information posters.
* Consider timing of any future events – avoid school holidays.
* The flyer was expensive to print and distribute, in future consider ensuring inclusion within Link magazine distribution and hand delivery to those addresses not covered by Link.
2. Next Steps
* Knowledge and stakeholder gaps to be identified and consideration of how to address.
* Younger age groups may be better represented in on-line surveys.
* Some areas not represented mainly those more rural or those situated adjacent to the Broadstone border.
* Timetable for future events – discussion took place as to the format of future events and it was agreed that topic based engagement will take place over the next few months, details and dates to be resolved.
3. Define Draft Vision and Objectives
* Alison circulated a useful document just before the meeting on how to develop a vision.
*A draft working vision was discussed and agreed as:
“In 2042 Corfe Mullen will be a thriving and safe community retaining its rural character and conserving and enhancing its rich environmental heritage. Development will be tailored to meet the needs of the community thereby benefiting villagers and future generations”
4. Engagement Phase Progress
Heather will be analysing the data from the surveys and reporting back in due course. However, initial views are that the following themes are emerging and members of the steering group indicated the themes of most interest to each of them to take forward.
* Housing, Design and Heritage – David, Peter, Ian, Lee, Pam
* Environment and Green Space – Gail, Peter plus an additional volunteer
* Getting Around – transport and movement – Heather, Marie, Pam, Ian.
*Community and Facilities – (to include schools) Lee, Duncan, Heather
* Local Economy – Lee, Jane, David
It was agreed each of these groups would report back with at least 2 clearly defined objectives by the next meeting.
Heather has produced a Link article which will be in the September issue. The next article is planned for the November issue (deadline 13th October).
David will update the website and Facebook page with the current Link article and is working on including the wildlife competition on the website.
5. Matters Arising
* Report for Corfe Mullen Town Council
Draft report discussed and agreed. Jane as Chair will submit.
6. Other Business
Jane announced that she wished to resign as Chair. Gail agreed to take over the role for the next few months. Members of the Steering Group thanked Jane for having taken the role and guiding the initial process.
Marie gave her apologies for the September and October meetings. Gail gave apologies for the September meeting which will therefore by Chaired by Peter as Vice-Chair.
7. Matters For Next Agenda:
* Future event timetable
* Identify stakeholder engagement
* Deliverable 1 – define draft vision and objectives – two objectives from each of the theme groups.
* Agree article for November Link magazine
8. Summary of Actions
* Heather to analyse survey results
* Theme groups to get together and agree a minimum of 2 objectives.
Next meeting – Tuesday 20th September at 6.30pm in the Village Hall
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