Notes from Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan meeting 14th November 2022
- Heather Birchenough – Chair
- Marie Dando
- Lee Hardy
- Cllr Peter Neil
- Sarah Edge
- Alison Eardley via Zoom
- (Catherine Horsley, Town Clerk – observing)
Jane Wilson
Matters arising from the minutes – all matters will be covered by the rest of the agenda
Social Media and Communications
Following the issues with email communication all of the group should now be set up with gmail accounts.
Website and Facebook require more work and regular postings. Sarah advised she is a digital marketing manager and is therefore happy to take over the Facebook pages and help with the website. Sarah suggested that the Facebook page has at least 2 new articles each month to ensure people keep coming back. She will arrange for this month but will need suggestions for topics in future months.
David, whilst no longer attending meetings, is happy to continue updating the website. Alison will contact him to discuss further as it is not currently very user friendly and is not updated.
Progress Report from Alison
The Locality Grant has been applied for and can be added to the Town Council budget for the group. Not all of the grant has been requested as this has to be spent by the end of March.
Local Housing Needs Assessment – Alison has met with AECOM who will be completing this package of work. She hasn’t received confirmation yet but has no reason to think this will be a problem. Any data we have from our surveys can be provided for them to include. Also, information from Dorset Council which they have collected for the Local Plan can be included. Alison will arrange for this from Dorset Council. This project is likely to start after Christmas.
Design Guide – again technical support for this aspect giving detailed guidance for future development in the parish. Any information which can be provided will be very helpful and Alison has pro-forma documents that can be used to gather this information. It was suggested that Keep Corfe Mullen Green and the Homewatch Co-ordinators may be able to help with completing the pro-formas.
Skeleton Draft Document – Alison has created a skeleton document which she has placed in the dropbox. The visions and objectives already identified have been included and she has highlighted under each section the evidence which needs to be provided.
Survey Feedback – 220 responses so far, schools have sent a letter home to parents encouraging completion of the survey. Heather has produced a modified version of the survey to include contact details and a GDPR statement. It is not easy to access on the website and this needs addressing. Sarah is ready to send the survey to local nurseries. QR code should be on documents produced.
Vision and Objectives progress
Peter is happy to contact local businesses including those which are home based. He will also speak with Jason in the estate agents regarding business needs and local housing needs.
Peter is also involved with the Climate Change Working Party on behalf of the council and the objectives identified in this piece of work will need to dovetail into the Neighbourhood Plan as this is the mechanism to deliver the desired outcomes.
Sarah has been looking into community facilities and has analysed the survey returns to identify the main comments. Sarah summarised her findings for the group and will now put these into a narrative for the skeleton document. Alison emphasised how important it was to include a paragraph in the plan for the future development of the recreational buildings as a Community Infrastructure Priority as currently the Community Infrastructure Levy paid to the council is 15% but when the Neighbourhood Plan is in place this will increase to 25%.
Lee confirmed that his neighbour, Jack, is happy to help with the environmental issues.
Dorset Wildlife Trust can be asked to prepare a report of species and habitats including mapping. It would be good to commission this piece of work and Alison will request and liaise with Peter.
Housing, Design and Heritage – Peter
Environment and Green Space – Peter and Jack
Getting Around – transport and movement – Heather, Patrick and Marie
Community and Facilities – (to include schools) Lee, Heather and Sarah
Local Economy – Jane
Local engagement and evidence gathering
Sarah confirmed that Jack and Jill nursery is ready to send out the link to the survey. She has written a short paragraph to go with it and will send to Alison and Heather to check.
Community Workshop
It was agreed to discuss this at a later date.
Any other business
Lee unfortunately announced that he has been successful in a business bid and this will take him out of the country for several months and he will not therefore be able to continue his input although he will maintain his schools contacts for now. Everyone thanked him for his input to date and wished him well with his contract.
What is happening with the photo competition?
A Warm Spaces initiative is taking place in the village hall on 3 afternoons a week and is open to everyone. This may be an opportunity for surveys and literature to be given.
Link deadline this Thursday and Catherine happy to include a mention of the survey.
Heather hopes to engage with the 1st schools in the area and also the Scout and Guide groups.
Alison will put together a report for council.
Next meeting – December 20th at 6.30pm, Corfe Mullen Library.
Summary of Actions
- Maintain Facebook and include updates
- Send out survey to nurseries
- Summarise findings in respect of Community Facilities
- Follow-up on website with David
- Dorset Wildlife Trust contact
- Report for Council
- Speak with local businesses and Jason
- Read skeleton document
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