Notes from Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan meeting 20th December 2022
- Heather Birchenough – Chair
- Marie Dando
- Cllr Peter Neil
- Sarah Edge
- Jane Wilson
- Alison Eardley via Zoom
- Catherine Horsley, Town Clerk
- Eve
Matters arising from the minutes – Social media and Communications will be covered by an agenda item.
Catherine has confirmed that the grant funding of £6985 has been received. The balance of funding will be requested from March onwards.
Alison is arranging an explanatory meeting with AECOM and this will be on the 9th January via Teams.
The funding for design guidance has been verbally confirmed to Alison and confirmation should be received in January.
The survey responses need to be analysed and it was unclear whether this should be undertaken externally, Heather confirmed she will take an initial look at the qualitative responses.
The skeleton document has a lot to be completed but is good to see some idea of the outline. Each of the theme objectives should be changed to prose ready for the next meeting. Jane requested that reference to the ’20 minute label’ be removed as this is becoming quite political nationally. All agreed.
Dorset Biodiversity Centre will produce a report on wildlife, protected species etc in the area. This has been commissioned and should arrive in January.
Peter advised that the Climate Change report is available on the Town Council website. He also confirmed that the Town Council have submitted a Freedom of Information request for reports that were commissioned by landowners and proposed developers in the area.
Social Media and Communications
Sarah provided an update and confirmed that the social media post has been met with a very positive response. The next social post will be in the New Year. Pictures of Corfe Mullen for the Facebook page and the website will be requested.
The website is being populated and it was confirmed that the minutes of meetings should be published on the website.
Photographs of the steering group members were discussed and it was agreed that a group photograph would be taken for the website.
Issues that Sarah has come across are that the logo doesn’t meet web accessibility regulations, agreed for Sarah to modify slightly to comply.
The wording requesting volunteers to become involved is likely to be off-putting as it is requesting details of skills and experience, it was agreed that this wording would be amended to those who are interested, willing to talk to people and ask about any particular areas of interest.
Sarah has been in contact with Knoll Farm and will follow this up but no one has contacted the other churches in the area. Heather will contact.
The surveys have been distributed to the nurseries by Sarah and Alison confirmed that there are now 325 responses to the survey. The age group 20-29 is still very lacking in response.
Peter presented a letter head that he had put together for use when contacting the business community. All agreed happy with this and Catherine confirmed they are happy that the telephone number for the council office is included. The office will take a message and pass on to Peter. Peter also confirmed that he has been in touch with Jason at the Estate Agents and has identified local businesses to contact.
With regard to older children Catherine suggested contacting Susan Jefferies as a Governor at Corfe Hills School and also the Youth Trust for years 7, 8 and 9. Catherine will supply contact details.
Wildlife Competition
It was agreed that the competition should now be closed and the winners announced in a forthcoming Link article. Going forward general photos will be requested. Sarah will action.
Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Walks
Following discussions it was agreed that the Steering Group would identify different areas which display local character of Corfe Mullen and complete the walks and pro-formas.
Catherine will contact the Neighbourhood Watch and find out how many co-ordinators there are and if they would be able to help.
Community Workshop
A discussion took place regarding the plans for this event and it was decided that this would be another drop in session as opposed to workshops. If necessary workshops could follow. Alison advised that everything gathered so far should be presented and pulled out as evidence.
Possible dates were discussed and it was agreed on 2 sessions, one on 11th March 11-4 and 16th March 10-2. Catherine will check room availability.
Any other business
Next meeting – January 10th at 6.30pm, Corfe Mullen Library
Summary of Actions
- Maintain Facebook and include updates
- Modify website as discussed
- Close Wildlife Competition
- Liaise with Knoll Farm
- Speak with local businesses and Jason
- Analyse survey responses
- Contact churches
- Catherine
- Contacts for Youth Trust and Susan Jefferies
- Details of Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators
- Think about ideas for drop-in sessions.
- Change bullets to prose in skeleton documents
- Attend Teams meeting for Housing Needs Assessment
- Consider areas of character in Corfe Mullen for walks.
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