Notes from Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Plan meeting 10 Jan 2023 

Cows in a field


  • Heather Birchenough–Chair
  • Sarah Edge- Minutes
  • Eve Cotteril
  • Alison Eardley (via Zoom)
  • Marie Dando


  • Cllr Peter Neil
  • Jane Wilson
  • Catherine Horsley (CM Town Clerk)

Matters arising from the minutes- to be covered in agenda

Progress Report from Alison

The report from Dorset Wildlife on wildlife sightings, wildlife sites and biodiversity arrived today. Alison will put it in Dropbox to be used as evidence when drafting the Neighbourhood Plan.

The consultant that is supporting to develop the Housing Design guidance has requested some dates to meet. AE will arrange.

The Housing Needs Assessment with AECOM took place today. They will use government endorsed methodology to create a report on the likely housing need in CM from now until 2040.

The draft is to be expected in 8 weeks and the final report in 12 weeks. The draft will fit in with the planned community workshop.

The walkabouts will then feed in to the Design Guidance report.

Community Engagement

HB has been in touch with 3 churches- St Nicholas, Sunnyhill and Baptist and has asked if they would be willing to circulate the survey.

SE has delivered surveys to Knoll Farm and they will be circulated to the toddler group and wider church.

Surveys are continuing to come in, with a wider distribution of ages from 30 upwards. Under 30 age group is still under-represented.

58 survey responders would like to join the mailing list. HB to put together mailing list using Mail Chimp.

The letterhead requested by PN has not yet been produced. EC showed the group a new logo idea which was agreed with some changes. EC agreed to draft a letterhead and send to PN.

It was agreed that the Link article should be in March to cover walkabout findings and details of the workshop.

Wildlife Competition

CH has created certificates. SE to contact winners and make announcement.

Volunteers and New Members

6 people who recently returned the surveys have said that they would like to get involved. HB to contact them.


The aim of the walkabouts is to give a flavour of the local area and capture what is unique about Corfe Mullen. This information will be shared with the community at the workshop and provided to the consultants to support their work on the Housing Design guide.

Views, green spaces, housing styles, paths, topography are just a few elements to note- further details provided on the proforma.

5 areas to focus on identified as:

  1. Hill View
  2. Hillside and Waterloo Valley
  3. Phelipps
  4. Lambs Green/East End, the Rec
  5. Old Corfe Mullen, St Huberts, Sleights Lane

It was identified that it would be helpful to have a greater understanding of the history and heritage of the area.

SE to ask on Facebook for historical knowledge of the area.

The CM Council Parish walks may also help with this. HB to ask CH for leaflets.

HB agreed to write up the chosen routes and contact the 6 survey responders who want to be involved to see if this is a task they would like to help with.

EC and SE agreed to take on walk 2 before the next meeting, HB and MD agreed to do walk 4.

AE requested a marked-up map so she can generate a printed map of the walks. Photos to be taken during walks.


Topics to be covered at the workshop:

Walk findings

Consultant feedback

Present the 5 areas of the vision and check these are accurate

Fill in any gaps of information

AE will put together a spec for the workshop.

Dates suggested last meeting were 11 March and 16th March. Unknown if Village Hall is available. HB to check with CH.

Agenda for next meeting


Go through vision and objectives and confirm so can move forward at Workshop

Summary of Actions

  • HB Check Workshop dates with CH
  • HB Get parish walks leaflets from CH
  • HB Contact the 6 survey responders to see if they want to get involved
  • HB Establish mailing list in Mail Chimp
  • HB Write up chose walk routes
  • SE Contact wildlife winners and close competition down
  • SE Announce winners
  • SE Facebook post for historians
  • SE Facebook post on biodiversity findings
  • EC Make changes to logo
  • EC Create letterhead for PN
  • AE Create map for walkabouts
  • AE Create spec for workshops
  • AE Share dates for consultants for Design Guide
  • AE Put Dorset Wildlife Report in Dropbox
  • AE- put maps in Dropbox
  • PN Contact businesses
  • All- put photos in shared drive

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