Heather Birchenough – Chair
Marie Dando, Cllr Peter Neil, Sarah Edge, Eve Cotterill
Jane Wilson, Alison Eardley
Matters arising from the minutes
Alison arranged an explanatory meeting with AECOM on the 9th January via Teams. This was
attended remotely by Alison, Heather Birchenough, Marie Dando and Peter Neil. AECOM gave an
overview of the work they would be undertaking in respect of Housing Needs. They also raised
questions in connection with Corfe Mullen as the majority of this work will be a desk based study
with information from the Census and Dorset Council. They will be looking at tenure and
affordability of housing, how house prices have changed over the last 10 years, average incomes,
type of housing stock, number of new dwellings and housing needs. Alison will pass to AECOM the results of our survey and the contact at Dorset Council. It is anticipated the report will be ready in 12-14 weeks.
A further meeting took place with a different AECOM team who will be looking at Design Codes
(design of Housing) in Corfe Mullen. This was attended remotely by Heather, Marie, Peter and
The team at AECOM gave a brief overview of the work they carry out. It was agreed to send the information gathered on the walkabouts when available and Rose from AECOM will also visit Corfe Mullen to look at the various housing styles. It was suggested that at the Drop-In sessions in March photos be available to allow residents to identify the type of housing style that appeals.
Dorset Biodiversity Centre has produced a report on wildlife, protected species etc in the area and
this has been circulated. Peter is also exploring the cost of an ecologist to interpret this report and
carry out local surveys at the most appropriate time of year.
Peter advised that the Climate Change report to the Town Council is available on Dropbox.
Heather has confirmed Village Hall bookings for the Drop-in days.
Heather has identified those who indicated on the survey they wish to involved and will contact in
due course.
Eve has updated the logo to conform with accessibility standards and has modified the letter head.
Social Media and Communications
Sarah continues to update the webpage and to regularly submit articles on the Facebook page.
Climate change working party update
The report previously provided to Council was detailing out of season surveys which skewed the
results. Peter is following up this and is seeking an ecologist, he will clarify with Alison and Catherine regarding costs.
Corfe Mullen Neighbourhood Walks
Two walks have been undertaken and reports prepared. Peter will undertake a walk around the Brog
Street area and Heather and Marie will complete the final walks (Hillview and Phelipps Road) in the next week.
Community Workshop – Drop-in Days
It was agreed that a board would be available for each theme and include the objectives, map,
survey results, photos and policy/future projects.
Eve will put together a flyer which will also be used for posters.
Heather will write a LINK article and check deadlines.
Peter will check areas not covered by the LINK magazine so that these can be specifically targeted.
All to look at questions for each of the individual objectives.
Heather to find out in Alison and Catherine will be attending.
Dates, 11th March 11-4 and 16th March 10-2.
Any other business
Next meeting – February 21st at 6.30pm, focus purely on the Drop-in days.
Summary of Actions
Sarah -Maintain Facebook and include updates
Eve -Produce flyer
Peter -Identify ecologist
Heather- Write LINK article and check deadlines
Peter, Heather and Marie -Complete the walks
All -Look at questions for each objective.
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